
The TOT collar use is added to the conservative treatment of infants with congenital muscular torticollis if they are 4 months of age or older and show a consistent head tilt of 5 degrees or more.

The infant must have adequate ROM and lateral head righting reaction (head control and strength) to lift his or her head away from the side of the Collar.


For the Fitter:

    • simple to fit

    • easy adjustment using interchangeable tubes

    • longer tubes can be inserted to accommodate improved alignment

    • all parts for the Collar are available as replacements

For the Wearer and/or Caregiver:

    • a cool, comfortable collar

    • easy to put on and remove

    • low profile; unobtrusive appearance

    • easy to keep clean (soap and water)

    • amount of support set to wearer needs

For further reading and clinical examples: “Tubular Orthosis for Torticollis (TOT): A new approach to the Correction of Head Tilt in Congenital Muscular Torticollis” Mosterman et al [B.C.H.R.F. Study 1985-1986] (abstract copies available) “The Determinants of Treatment Duration for Congenital Muscular Torticollis” - Emery, C. Physical Therapy - Vol 74, #10, October, 1994, pp 921-929 “TORTICOLLIS: Differential Diagnosis, Assessment and Treatment, Surgical Management and Bracing” ISBN 0-7890-0317-1 Karen Karmel-Ross; Published by Haworth Press

For Congenital Muscular Torticollis


ToT Collar

The TOT Collar™ is designed to provide a noxious stimulus to the lateral aspect of the skull.
(877) 664-4565

The user moves away from this stimulus towards a new, central corrected position. Adoption of a new, normal head position provides the ability to reset perception of horizontal and so maintain the corrected head position.

About Torticollis

The TOT Collar™ is pre-assembled and ready to fit. Congenital Muscular Torticollis is usually discovered in the first 6 to 8 weeks of life. It is characterized by a contracture of the sternocleidomastoid muscle, causing the head to be laterally flexed to the affected side and rotated to the opposite shoulder. If uncorrected, this posture may lead to plagiocephaly and a high thoracic scoliosis.

A loop of soft PVC tubing is bridged by two short nylon tubes. Varying sizes of tubes are packaged with the Collar. These tubes are positioned anterior and posterior to the crest of the trapezius. The pvc tubing is fastened with a connecting strap. A spare Velcro Strap is included. The TOT Collar™ is non toxic and washable.

The Child size fits a 4 month to 10 year old child.
The Adult size fits an average 10 year old to adult

Child Tot Collar

Adult Tot Collar